40 Fashion Mistakes That Make People Seem Older Than They Are

Trends come and go. Fashion magazines everywhere steer the industry into retro phases all the time. But, even if they do, that doesn’t mean that these retro phases won’t make some look a little older than they are.

Big Hair Don’t Care

You want a flattering hairdo that has plenty of volume. But, just like with everything in life, too much of a good thing — like volume — can be bad. There is a line and once you cross it, you don’t just get height, but you’re also making people think you’re older than you are.

Big Hair Don’t Care

Matchy Matchy

So, let’s talk lipstick. You want your lipstick to coordinate with your outfit and color scheme. That’s just a rule when it comes to creating a cohesive look. But, that does not mean it needs to match the colors exactly.

Matchy Matchy

For instance, this shade of lipstick is too close to the top’s color, which turns a chic and fun look into something that could only be defined as a “mom-look.” That trend is long gone and should stay gone. Instead, try a few shades lighter or even a neutral that will go with the outfit.

Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair

Remember back in the day (like the ’60s) when super long hair was all the rage. Some women still hold on to that using hair to hide anything they deem as a flaw. But unfortunately, there is such a thing as too long, and the longer your hair gets, the older you may begin to look.

Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair

Most stylists suggest a more mature woman not go any longer than the waist. As the longer the hair, the less volume you have due to the weight.

They Are Not Jeans

Jeggings! We all love them, right? They are comfortable and look good with a wide range of things. After all, they are leggings that look like jeans, right! All of that is true but what many people fail to realize is that they are not jeans.

They Are Not Jeans

Jeggings are in no way a substitute for a well-fitting pair of jeans. They are often thin and therefore show way more lumps and cellulite than most of us would like. This means that they naturally make one look and sometimes feel older.

Isn’t That Heavy

So, there’s a difference between a statement piece, costume jewelry, and what we would call gaudy jewelry. Sometimes people mistake statement pieces for the last option, which can help make the outfit look ill-put together, and the wearer looks a little older.

Isn’t That Heavy

You can still have a statement piece or even wear costume jewelry just to make them a little more subtle. Simple is better and will take away less attention from that killer outfit!

A Little Color?

So, we all want that sun-kissed glow that comes with a good tan. Some of us, for personal reasons or because of where we live, have trouble getting one. That’s why fake tans were invented, right? Well, yes and no!

A Little Color?

They could potentially permanently dye your skin after excessive use. Along with that, the color isn’t exactly natural so maybe use the tanner a little less if you want a nice skin tone.

Just a Little Shape

In the early part of the 2000s, it was all the rage to have thin well-sculpted eyebrows. The overplucked eyebrows went the way of the dodo, and we should all be thankful because they really do nothing for anyone’s look.

Just a Little Shape

So, those that still insist on holding onto the trend are showing their age — and aging themselves prematurely. Instead, rock a fuller brow or even a thick brow. Find the style that fits your face and go with that.

T-Shirt From Here to There

During the heat of the summer, everyone wants to be comfortable and cool. What better way than to have a dress that’s light and breathable like a t-shirt? Makes sense, but the idea of a jersey dress is a little dated.

T-Shirt From Here to There

The fabric tends to be pretty clingy, and because of its lightweight nature, it tends to look a little cheap. The fact the fabric clings means it wrinkles and bunches around every imperfection you may have.

Pastel Ya!

Pastels are on-trend, and so many people are rocking the monochromatic look. However, this look may not be suitable for older women because, as you age, your skin begins to lose tone. That means lighter colors can often wash you out and show your age more.

Pastel Ya!

This means that a monochromatic look is out for you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wear pastels. You just have to pair it with a darker pair of jeans or some piece of clothing that contrasts the lightness.

Touching the Ground

Maxi skirts are also a piece of clothing women who are maturing need to be careful wearing. These skirts tend to be loose fitting and where that might be nice to hide your legs, they don’t always flatter the waistline.

Touching the Ground

If you want to sport a maxi skirt, make sure you pair it with the right top. This means if it is one that’s more tailored, try a looser top or vice versa.

Cakin’ it On

Our skin is beaten up a lot through our years. The sun damages it, and then there are the environmental impacts added to that. These all create wrinkles and imperfections that may cause some ladies to want to cover them up. This often means caking on the makeup, which only makes matters worse.

Cakin’ it On

The more layers of makeup you slap on, the older you will look. Instead, try to use lighter formulas that are designed to do multiple jobs like tinted moisturizers. Then light powder, and you will have a fresher faced look.

Show Some Neck!

Women are very self-conscious about what they deem is imperfect. That may mean they feel the urge to pile on the makeup or even raise the hemline of clothing they choose. One of the areas a lot of women get self-conscious about as they age is the neck.

Show Some Neck!

The loss of elasticity in the skin may have you looking at that rack of turtlenecks. Don’t do it! Sometimes trying to hide something will draw more attention to that area.

If It’s Not Broke

Another thing that could cause you to look older than you are is getting stuck in a rut. We all have done this and found a hairstyle that flatters our face and makes us feel good, but that could be a problem.

If It’s Not Broke

Like everything else, a hairstyle comes and goes into fashion, so you may be dating yourself by sticking to your do. One way to determine if you are doing this is to look at a picture from more than five years ago. If you still have the same cut, you should switch it up.

Goth Lips

As fall and winter come around, there will definitely be more dark lips being worn out and about. That’s perfectly on-trend, but it may not be advisable for certain older women. Age effects not only or skin but also our lips. They tend to get paler like the skin and become thinner.

Goth Lips

The dark shades that come with autumn and winter will accentuate these aspects more. Dark colors also tend to dry the lips out — and even may highlight the lips’ wrinkles and crevices.

It Needs to Go Together

Just because it comes in a set doesn’t mean you have to wear it as one. This is true in everything having to do with fashion, especially jewelry. The best rule of thumb and one many fashionistas live by is if you wear the necklace, then don’t wear the earrings and vice versa.

It Needs to Go Together

Too much matching jewelry can create a heavy look and add years to your appearance. Plus, by breaking up the band — so to speak — you get more options, and it won’t look like you are trying too hard.

Is That My Grandma’s Couch?

Floral prints have their place. In the spring season, they are a nice light way to show that spring has sprung. Not for an everyday errand kind of day, as an all-over floral print can send the message to people that you are older than you want them to think you are.

Is That My Grandma’s Couch?

If you do want to wear a floral print anything, you will have to be very selective. Try to stay away from large floral prints. Instead, go for smaller prints.


Wearing your underwear so people can see it or even poorly fitted underwear should never be a thing. Nowadays, there are plenty of brands and styles that can help you make sure neither of those two things occurs.


Of the two, the ill-fitting underwear may be the biggest culprit of premature fashion aging. If your underwear doesn’t fit right, they can cause unwanted lines to show through. This can ruin your ensemble so quickly.

Right to Bare Arms

Just like the neck, a woman’s arm becomes a place of self-consciousness as they age. Your skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, and that may make you reach for that long sleeve to hide them.

Right to Bare Arms

This is natural, but like covering your neck, opting for a long sleeve may draw more attention to the area than you actually wanted. Plus, this often leads to sweating, and that can attract even more attention.

Sheer Panic

We know that to have some of those classic nylon stockings on, it was the right thing to do when you left the house with a skirt on. But those days are gone, and it’s perfectly acceptable to leave the house with your legs uncovered.

Sheer Panic

Since the style is now super outdated, you may be aging yourself if you still do this. So — make sure you shave, lotion the legs, and try to go out without those stockings.

Rockstars Do It

We can’t all rock eyeliner like Johnny Depp, nor should we try. Plastering on the dark makeup can make one look older. Why? The biggest reason is that it’s heavy and can weigh your look down. This, in turn, adds years onto your face.

Rockstars Do It

Plus, this makeup has a tendency to smudge as you go through your day (even if it says it doesn’t). This smudging could add more to any bags or dark circles under your eyes, and also years.

Let’s Brooch the Subject

Okay, so there’s a difference between classic and antiquated. For example, a brooch — this is antiquated and not classic. Pearls are classic (with the right outfit). Yes, it used to be all the rage to draw attention with a stylish and attention-grabbing brooch but not anymore.

Let’s Brooch the Subject

This fad is long gone, although at one point, it was actually hip to add a brooch to your ensemble. Today, though, it’ll easily show your age and even add some years onto it. So, save those brooches. Who knows, maybe they will make a comeback…

No, Capri Is an Island

It seems that as we age, we get less comfortable letting our legs be out and about. That means shorts become something we like to stay away from. But, we still want shorter pants that are lightweight especially during the summer months — enter capri pants.

No, Capri Is an Island

The problem with capris is where the hem lands. They often stop mid-calf and that can be very unflattering no matter what age you are. This can make the legs look thicker. So, if you are looking for shorter pants, try ankle pants or even culottes.

Jeans Are for the Kids

Sometimes we get crazy ideas in our head as we begin to mature. One of these is that jeans are a young person’s game. A good fitting pair of jeans is maybe one of the greatest pleasures in the world, and it’s not just for the youngsters.

Jeans Are for the Kids

In fact, there should be at least one pair of perfectly fitting jeans in everyone’s wardrobe. So — find your silhouette, get out there, and buy a pair of those jeans you’ve been dying for. A wardrobe without them will make you seem old.

Color Pallets Matter

There are more color options every year. With that, there are some really beautiful colors that catch our eye. However, just because we like them doesn’t mean that they will play nice with our skin tone or coloring.

Color Pallets Matter

Wearing the wrong tone can actually give you a sickly pallor or wash you out. If you have a warm skin tone, you will have an easier time pulling off warmer tones. For people with cooler complexions, cooler tones are the way to go!

Tweed it Away

Tweed goes through its phases of being in trend. Even when it is, it’s not a fabric that people who are seeking to look younger should wear. This is simply because it is a fabric that’s known for being worn by older individuals.

Tweed it Away

If you are trying to adopt the menswear look, you should instead look at more flattering options. A nice windowpane or pinstripe suit is a good option to play with. It’ll look better and probably feel better, too.

Is it Hot in Here?

When you are finishing out your makeup look, you might want to go for a little touch of rosy hue on your cheeks. This is perfectly fine, but it results in a poorly put-together look and may add some years to your look when you overdo it.

Is it Hot in Here?

When applying blush, be sure to make it look subtle. You should just be able to see a little color, and that’s it. Too much blush can not only make you look older but it can also make it look like you have some sort of skin condition.

I See!

One accessory that many people overlook that can add some years to an individual is their eyewear. Not so much sunglasses, although they can be a telltale sign of when you grew up if you’re not careful — but definitely your everyday eyewear.

I See!

When we find a pair of glasses that look good on our faces, we tend to hold on for dear life. However, wearing a set that’s out of date can be detrimental to our look. So, update your eyewear as often as you can.

Let Me Wear Your Sweater

So, this one may seem a little controversial and it could depend on how you put the outfit together, but cardigans do seem to be associated with older individuals. There are a lot of reasons that this is true.

Let Me Wear Your Sweater

The fabrics and silhouettes used in the design of most cardigans are not so flattering. They tend to be boxy, and that makes them a no-no for a tailored look. Instead of using these, try a jacket or even a blazer.

Tying Up Loose Ends

When the colder months come around, it’s inevitable that some people will reach for the decorative scarf to tie an outfit together. Though this is not necessarily untrendy, it may be a wrong choice for some.

Tying Up Loose Ends

This is because some of us are trying to hide our necks, but doing so can draw attention straight to that area — not to mention that when you look more conservative in your dress, you tend to look a little older, too.

No Belt, No Service

For the most part, wearing more tailored or body-appropriate clothes will make you look slimmer and younger. But, there are some styles that offer a more boxy fit, which can be bad.

No Belt, No Service

When it comes to sheath dresses or even boxy tunics, they don’t do anything for the figure. This is why you often see women belting them. This defines the waist and may just be the perfect accessory to make you look — and feel — a little younger.

Elvira Called

Remember when you were first told that black is so flattering. This is true, and there is nothing wrong with the occasional homage to the darker side of your personality. A black outfit can look classy and put together.

Elvira Called

However, wearing all black every day from head to toe can make you look older. If you want to do an all-black outfit, try playing with textures or adding some jewelry for a pop of color.

Linebacker Style

The ’80s were known for a few things — big hair, neon colors, and shoulder pads. None of these are quite as out of fashion as the shoulder pads. So, unless you are having an ’80s day at work, stay away from these.

Linebacker Style

These give your silhouette a box shape and give you a dated look, making you look older. There are more structured and tailored shoulder pad options if you have to have them, so invest in these if this is the case.

What About the Highlights?

Remember when chunky highlights were in? Of course you do, and because you do, you have to know that the look is way past its prime. This means sporting this kind of hairstyle is like wearing the same haircut for decades — bad.

What About the Highlights?

You can still use highlights but try styles like balayage or others that are individualized and styled for your look. These types of highlights will look more natural without adding years to your overall appearance.

Wearing Sentimental Items

One distraction from ensuring that you look your age is carrying on wearing those items of clothing or accessories that have sentimental value. It might be a gift from someone your love or maybe it once belonged to a lost loved one.

Wearing Sentimental Items

Ultimately though, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Your best bet is to resize the item, store it away somewhere or maybe even donate it. Who knows, maybe that item you’re hanging onto will come back into style at some point.

You Didn’t Show Off Your Figure

We have already established in this article that the older we get, the more we feel a need to wear looser clothes. But many of us adhere to this rule anyway when we are still young. Oversized, bulky outfits are a one-way trip to looking older than you are.

You Didn’t Show Off Your Figure

Blouses, sweaters, long skirts and trousers simply aren’t the way to go, unless you are cold. On the flip side, older individuals shouldn’t feel like they always have to hide their figures.

You Wear Chunky Shoes

Sure, boots and chunky heels come into fashion every once in a while, but generally, it’s impossible to deny that many versions do look kind of weird. They just make your feet look bigger than the rest of your body.

You Wear Chunky Shoes

Your best bet is to go for something a bit more understated, like strap flats or kitten heels. The smaller the footwear, the more petite you will appear to be. Moreover, it’s been about 30 years since chunky sneakers were the way to go.

Carrying Old-Fashioned Hangbags

Sure, the Queen rocks this classic handbag look in virtually every public appearance she makes. But let’s face it, not everyone is the Queen now, are they? Louis Vuitton purses were once all the rage, not anymore though.

Carrying Old-Fashioned Hangbags

With so many different styles and colors to choose from, we would recommend going with small clutches or purses at this moment in time – that’s what is in right now. Another couple of options worth checking include studded backpacks or leather totes.

Tying Jackets Around Our Waists

Sure, this is a trend that seems to be in right now. Wearing your flannel or jacket around your waist is a good practical idea. You never know if you are going to need it or not. However, it doesn’t look particularly flattering on whoever’s wearing it.

Tying Jackets Around Our Waists

Let’s face it – this is only going to make our hips look bigger than they are. Instead, one should consider draping it over one’s shoulders. Or why not try fitting it in your purse?

Too Many Floral Designs

There is no denying that floral design dresses are a nice thing to put on every once in a while. However, if you are spotted too often in this kind of dress, people might start to mistake you for being older than you actually are.

Too Many Floral Designs

Sure, the odd floral design can go down a treat during those scenic summer walks and picnics. But you don’t want to feel like that’s all you have in the closet.

Never Wearing Heels

So many of us despise wearing heels – primarily because they can be incredibly uncomfortable to wear. However, the social norm is to wear them more often than not. And if you want to look your age, you might have to make that sacrifice every once in a while.

Never Wearing Heels

Kitten heels are OK to try here and there and booties will provide you with heels while maximizing comfort. So there are ways to deal with this issue.

Logo Clothes

You would assume that the more big brand logos that can be seen on your clothes, the more fashionable you come across as. However, you couldn’t be further from the truth. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are – it just looks tacky at the end of the day.

Logo Clothes

Sure, you might be able to get away with it when you are a teenager. But once you hit 21, you should be expected to tone things down in the logo department.

Same-Fit Pairings

The following rule is ignored by more people than you would expect. Basically, when you decide to pair tops and bottoms, you need to make sure you do the following: if your bottoms are loose, the top should be tighter and vice versa.

Same-Fit Pairings

If you don’t end up following this rule, then you could potentially come across as lazy or sloppy. If you do follow the rule, you will be looked at as an organized, stylish individual.

Be Careful of Wearing Mini-Everything

We can be tempted to slip into smaller clothes in order to accentuate our figure and look the part during a night out on the town. But the older you get, the question of “how short is too short” becomes more and more pressing. “Mini” anything needs to be carefully considered before actually worn.

Be Careful of Wearing Mini-Everything

Female empowerment means different things for different people, but when it concerns how old you want to look, it might be best to go a bit too conservative as opposed to the opposite.

Non-Tailor Made

Having a nice suit is an essential addition to any wardrobe. It can be a chic choice for interviews or business functions or even important family events. But, that’s only if it’s the right color and silhouette for your body.

Non-Tailor Made

A poorly-tailored suit can make you look sloppy and even hide some of your figure — all of which may make you seem a little older than your license says you are.

Can You Turn Your Nails Down?

It’s tempting to go for fun colors at the nail salon when getting your nails done. But, if you are an older woman, you may want to stay away from the exceptionally bright colors or ones that have sparkle.

Can You Turn Your Nails Down?

This will draw attention to your hands — one of the places that reveal your age more than other parts of your body. By donning the bright color, you may just be saying, look at my hands. Now ask me how old I am?

Strut On

So, let us preface this by saying if you wear this style of heel because you can’t walk in anything taller than this, then, by all means, go with it. Just dress it up with some more stylish outfits.

Strut On

That being said, the kitten heel is way past its expiration date. If you have a problem walking in heels as we mentioned above, you could always go with a more wedgy heel instead of kitten heels. This may help move your outfit into the trendy column.

Eyeshadow Blues

Not all blue eyeshadow is terrible, but some shades could help in aging your face a little. The worst is the lighter blues. The hue of the shadow you choose can affect your overall look more than you know.

Eyeshadow Blues

In fact, many makeup experts suggest that if you want to do a colored eye shadow, go for a darker, less pigmented color. This will keep it from making you look older.

Something Is Off

You may have put together a killer outfit that makes you look and feel young. However, if you don’t put that face together, all your hard work might go down the drain. One of the big mistakes is choosing the wrong foundation.

Something Is Off

The wrong shade can either make you look weirdly tan or like you’ve just seen a ghost. So, choosing the right shade is crucial. The best way to do this is to use the back of your hand and see if you get a close enough match.

40+ Women Who Know Why “Beauty Is Pain” Better Than Anyone

SOS, Major Explosion

While some of our beauty mishaps so far have caused real, physical pain, this one is more about emotional pain. After all, your stomach really sinks when a $40 tube of foundation ends up splattered all over your mirror instead of your face.

Photo by Pinterest // @emiliaclarke483

This can happen seemingly by accident, but it’s more likely to happen if you’ve recently been on an airplane and your foundation has been subject to changing air pressure. Regardless, there’s hardly any way to save foundation in a situation like this.

I Said Curled, Not Cut

As you’ll see throughout this list, eyelash curlers aren’t to be trusted. They already look like tiny Victorian torture devices, so it’s no wonder they’re capable of leaving your eyelid half bald. This person was trying to end up with gorgeous curled lashes and instead walked away with a missing chunk of hair in the center of their eye.

Photo by Female First

We feel for this person, and not just because they ripped out their lashes. This will be really difficult to hide because there’s nothing to put mascara on!

Tingling in the Wrong Places

This particular beauty mishap actually ended up going viral, after someone reached for Original Source Mint Shower Gel when their usual product ran out. Naturally, tea tree oil has a very strong, almost medicinal scent, and mint has a similar tingly sensation. When this person decided to get clean using this shower gel, they used it in places where they shouldn’t have.

Photo by Facebook // Original Source Malaysia

This person actually described their experience with Original Source Mint Shower Gel as giving them PTSD. Let that be a warning to you all.

Pretty in Pink

It’s hard to look at this picture and not burst out laughing. We’re sorry – we know it’s a beauty disaster – but this person’s pink expression is just too much for us to deal with. As you might have guessed, this painful beauty mess came about when someone slathered Lush Razzle Dazzle bath oil all over their skin.

Photo by Pinterest // @buzzfeed

As it turns out, this particular bath oil is supposed to be diluted and added to the tub, not pasted directly onto human skin.

Promise to Patch Test

This is the first of several times on this list where we’ll praise the humble patch test. For those not yet in the know, a patch test is when you get a patch of product applied to your skin before a hair or beauty appointment.


This means that you can see if you’re allergic to the ingredients before they’re slathered all over your body. This person went to a beautician to have false lashes applied and soon ended up with a burning, bald lower lash line.

Don’t Grab the Gorilla Glue

Anyone who spends time on Twitter already knows about Tessica Brown. Yes, this is the woman who reached for Gorilla Glue Spray Adhesive when she ran out of regular hairspray. Let’s just take a minute to note that regular hairspray and Gorilla Glue are not reasonable replacements for one another.

Photo by New York Post // Sara Dorn

One is a commonly used beauty product, while the other is an industrial-strength home DIY product. Anyway, Brown ended up in the ER with a burning scalp and severe headaches.

Please, Avert Your Eyes

This is a difficult home haircut to look at because this person has such gorgeous, thick, and lustrous hair. At least they’ll still have gorgeous, thick, and lustrous hair when it inevitably has to be trimmed into a bob because of this disaster.

Photo by Reddit // u/Justfuckmyshitup

What we’re looking at here is a quarantine haircut. We really hope this person at least tried to separate the hair before hacking into it. Either way, it’s truly a crime against hair, and should never be repeated.

Makeup Mirror Up in Flames

We were genuinely surprised to see this picture and learn that a makeup mirror can actually catch on fire. This person left their makeup mirror next to the window, and it ended up reflecting the sunlight and causing a small fire. As you can see, the flames destroyed several items and left behind a pile of unsightly ash.

Photo by sheknows.com // fishki

We’re not even sure how to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Should mirrors be placed away from windows or sunlight? Is all our stuff going to catch on fire or go up in flames? Help us!

Scars and Scabbing

Thanks to bushy-browed models like Cara Delevingne, lots of women are in search of bigger and bolder eyebrows. There are several ways to achieve this, from full-on HD brows to a simple wax and tint. This person went to a salon and asked for a brow tint, wax, and thread.

Photo by Buzzfeed // Julie Gerstein

Somewhere along the way, something went wrong, because eyebrows aren’t supposed to look like they do in this picture. When this person woke up, her eyebrows were red, itchy, and covered in scabs.

Flies on the Eyes

This example of women knowing when beauty is pain is absolutely hilarious. Basically, someone’s mom messaged them for help because she was struggling to attach her false eyelashes without her glasses on. So far, so reasonable.

Photo by Pinterest // @dumpaday

However, when this mom sent her daughter a photograph of the situation, her daughter spotted an issue. Perhaps this mom was struggling because she was trying to glue a dead fly to her eyelid rather than a false lash. Truly disgusting, and truly hysterical.

Plenty of Pus

In case you haven’t guessed already, this list is going to be full of some rather gruesome pictures. That includes a face covered in pus-filled pimples like this one. This image comes from a beauty blogger who went for a facial and ended up with increasingly terrible skin.

Photo by Pinterest // @buzzfeed

We’re pretty sure that’s not how it’s supposed to work. Right after their facial, this person was pleased, but after several days her skin started to erupt in white-topped pustules.

Hold on the Heat Styling

Here’s another truly iconic woman that knows that beauty is pain. Tori Locklear went viral when she attempted to curl her hair and ended up burning off a chunk. The then 13-year-old exclaimed, “My hair just burnt off,” and the internet erupted into giggles.

Photo by Pinterest // @dailymail

More importantly, Tori Locklear taught us all that we must use heat protection spray and pay attention while using a curling wand. Amusingly, Locklear is now working on a hair tutorial with Pantene.

Not Feathered or Fluffy

It’s hard to know what’s going on in this image, but there’s one thing for sure — those are some seriously questionable eyebrows. We assume that this person didn’t go to a salon for this look, because if they did, that salon should be closed down right away. Rather, we assume this person brushed their own eyebrows into straight, grassy strands.

Photo by DiscoverGist // justsomething.co

However, why would anyone do this? These terribly feathered eyebrows are a beauty crime that just doesn’t make any sense.

Waxing Didn’t Work Out

When it comes to beauty and pain, waxing is one of the main culprits. After all, ripping hair out of your skin from the follicle is never going to be painless. Of course, some parts of the body are more sensitive than others.

Photo by Instagram // @luluylala

Pulling hair from a hardy leg calf is nothing compared to removing the whiskers that might grow around your top lip. This person decided to wax their lip, and ended up with a nice red mustache. May we recommend hair removal cream in the future?

Please, No More Purple

We’ve already seen a pink-skinned person, and here we have their purple-handed friend. This person has clearly decided to give themselves a couple of dye jobs and for some reason, isn’t using the gloves that are usually provided with a home dye kit.

Photo by boredpanda // Liucija Adomaite and Justinas Keturka

There’s nothing else to say except that this person is going to have purple hands for a couple of weeks. That is, unless they get some lemon juice and olive oil and get scrubbing.

Wanted, Waterproof Mascara

Now, we have to blame this person for their own beauty pain because they could’ve avoided it by just purchasing some waterproof mascara. However, we don’t all have the foresight to do such a thing. Perhaps this person had no idea that sweat plus black eyelash paste would lead to a streaked face, but hey, it does.


This is a particularly streaky face, so this woman must really have been going at it. In general, it’s best to just go barefaced when working out.

Falsely Advertised Face Masks

OK, there’s a story behind this one. Here we have a beauty blogger that recommended a homemade facemask made with cinnamon, claiming it has “antioxidant, regenerating, and purifying properties.” However, cinnamon is actually not the best ingredient to put on the skin, because it can cause burns.

Photo by Mamamia // BRITTANY STEWART

Actually, it’s an allergenic plant, which is why it’s not used much in skincare. Sadly, lots of users tried out this mask and ended up with burnt, irritated skin. Listen, when it comes to face masks, there should be no pain!

Messed Up Microblading

What we have here is someone who wanted their brows to be microbladed, but ended up with an unmitigated catastrophe. Truly, we can’t stress enough how awful these brows are. Microblading is effectively an eyebrow tattoo where hair strokes are created using a tiny blade.

Photo by Pinterest // @injexclinics1

The process is supposed to leave you with realistic-looking, full brows. As is abundantly clear here, these microbladed brows are not done correctly. These strokes are far too large and straight to pass for strands of hair.

Coloring Over the Lines

When many people found themselves indoors over the past year, they decided to try giving themselves a haircut or a manicure. However, these aren’t easy tasks, and they’re normally performed by people that are trained and skilled.


In the case of a manicure, nails must be shaped and buffed before they’re painted with multiple coats of polish and cured individually. This person seems to have missed their nail and colored over the lines in almost every case. What can we say?

This Was a Rash Decision

Alright, here’s the first person on our list that became a victim of the “Kylie Lip Challenge.” This viral trend saw teenagers creating a vacuum using lids, small jars, or bottles in order to get inflated lips like the youngest Kardashian sibling, Kylie Jenner.

Photo by Lolwot

At the time, the reality star had undergone lip enhancement but maintained to the public that she was simply overlining her lips with makeup. Alas, many teenagers that tried this ended up with red, bruised, swollen, and rash-covered faces.

Glued to This Look

We’ve already seen Tessica Brown and her terrible decision to use Gorilla Glue instead of hairspray, and here we have something similar. This adorable little girl decided to apply some false lashes, but she reached for super glue instead of eyelash glue.

Photo by The Sun // Instagram

We can only imagine the look on her mom’s face when she found out. We don’t need to tell you that it’s a terrible idea to put superglue anywhere on your body. It’s basically asking for pain.

Swollen and Scary

Here we are again to talk about the importance of patch tests. This person didn’t get one before dying her hair, and had a huge allergic reaction. As you can see, this person’s entire head swelled up, and they unsurprisingly ended up in the emergency room.

Photo by ACITUD FEM // Susana Miyar

As with some other allergic reactions on this list, this person’s symptoms didn’t start until the next day. Also, this person had used this particular dye before, making a patch test even more important!

Angered by an Abscess

Now, here’s a horror story for you. Many women with long hair wear a hair tie around their wrist. It’s an easy place to keep it, and it means you’ll never have to look far when you’re in a need of a scrunchie. However, there’s a chance that this innocent practice could lead to a whole world of pain.

Photo by CNB news // Audree Kopp

This person noticed a bump on her arm and thought it was a spider bite. In fact, it was a large abscess caused by bacteria stuck underneath the hair tie.

Burnt and Battered

We’re getting into gruesome territory here with this picture of a burnt and battered arm. This picture comes from a 16-year-old British teen who decided to get a henna tattoo while on vacation in Turkey. Alas, the fetching dreamcatcher design quickly started scabbing and causing painful burns.

Photo by The Telegraph // Helena Horton

It turns out the dye used in this tattoo — p-paraphenylenediamine — is not regulated by the US FDA or the European Union. That means that this synthetic dye will likely cause permanent scarring.

Bye-Bye to My Brushes

Let’s move to something a little bit lighter with our next image. Here we have the aftermath of a cat that isn’t particularly impressed by makeup culture. That’s right, the kitty responsible for this mess is sick of the high standards placed on women’s physical appearance, and wanted to take a stand.

Photo by Twizz // cr_economy

This feline whirlwind expressed their disgust with modern-day beauty culture by throwing all of their owner’s makeup brushes around the bathroom. That’ll show them!

Badly Done Balayage

Those that keep on top of their hair trends know that balayage is a highlighting technique where a colorist hand-paints color onto the hair. The result is a blended sun-kissed effect that almost looks natural. What we have in this picture is far from balayage — it’s blasphemous.

Photo by Facebook // Virtue Hair

Balayage is a skilled technique, meaning not everyone can just pick up a box of dye and give it a go. As always, if you want professional-looking hair, then go to a professional.

I Made My Own Mustache

We’ve already seen one victim of the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, and here we have another. This challenge sees people suck their lips into round objects in the hopes that they’ll end up with a perfect pout. More often than not, they end up with bruises, swollen lips, and itchy skin.

Photo by Twitter // @sophiesnv

After this viral challenge did the rounds, beauty companies started selling official lip enhancers. These products came with instructions and were less dangerous than teens making up their own rules.

Why Is My Sink Pink?

When it comes to home hair dye kits, it’s good to be prepared and organized in advance. This means having containers, gloves, and multiple surfaces available to avoid scenes like this.

Photo by BRIGHT SIDE // © kellyJurfs // imgur

Once you’ve gotten one smear of bright pink dye on the bathroom, then chances are you’ll just give up and splatter the stuff everywhere. It’s hard to look at this image and not think about all the cleaning products required to scrub these pink stains off.

Done With This Design

Shaved undercuts are pretty popular, and some people like to have patterns or designs etched into the shaved section of their hair. For some bold fashionistas, this means leopard print patches, and for others, it’s the logo of their favorite sports team. Each to their own, eh?

Photo by Reddit // u/ExpectationVsReality

This person went to the salon wanting a striking geometric pattern shaved into their undercut. Instead, they walked away with these random, blurry lines. Is it just us, or does the bottom section look like chicken feet?

You’re Charging Me for This?

There are all sorts of painful beauty disasters that can happen at a salon. One of the most common is the hairstylist not listening to what you want, or not being able to deliver what you’ve asked for. Of course, some people come in with wild expectations, but others are genuinely looking for a striking new do.

Photo by Reddit // u/ExpectationVsReality

The woman in this image was after a chic, bohemian, messy braid. Unfortunately, she ended up with more of a bird’s nest. Our sympathies…

My Dog Ate My Blender

Beauty blenders are pretty important to the people who use them. If you’ve committed to purchasing a beauty blender, it’s usually your go-to makeup application tool. Beauty blender users aren’t here for foundation brushes or fingertip application — they’re all about that compact and squishy makeup sponge. Beauty blenders, forever!

Photo by aubtu biz // Cora Wilson

So, imagine the pain this beauty blender owner must have felt when she realized her dog had chewed on her beloved sponge. Clearly, past its best, this blender has blended its final face.

Badly Blended Bronzer

And while we’re talking about blending, let’s not forget the cardinal sin of poorly blended bronzer. As we can see in this image, badly blended bronzer makes a face look ashen, unnatural, and outright ridiculous.

Photo by Instagram // @jaimeeslifestyle

Rather than slathering bronzer all over your cheeks, draw a short line outwards from the center of your ear. Then, it’s all about the buffing and the blending – and using the right tool. As with all makeup, it’s usually best to gradually apply products.

The Fake Tan Diaries

Women go to great lengths to alter aspects of their appearance. Whether it’s playing with makeup, dying our hair different colors, or painting our nails — we’re invested in the process. However, some of these are messier and more painful than others.

Photo by Snapchat // chrissylegen

While fake tan can make us look fabulous, it tends to rub off on clothing and soft furnishings. This means that fake tan fans can wake up with a perfectly orange silhouette of themselves on their bedsheets. A masterpiece!

Isn’t This a Whitener?

When it comes to charcoal toothpaste, there’s a bit of a debate about whether it’s safe or not. Some say that the mild abrasive does whiten teeth, whereas others claim it simply weakens your tooth enamel. Regardless, charcoal toothpaste hasn’t exactly gone to plan for this person.

Photo by The Sun // SNAP VIRAL

We assume this mess was made with charcoal powder, as it really seems to have gotten everywhere. Perhaps this person dipped their whirring electric toothbrush in the pot without thinking about the results. Happy cleaning!

Patch Test or Bald Patches

Here we are again, going on about the importance of patch tests. With pictures like this, can you blame us? This snap was taken by Tracie Hashton, part of a group of women who sued hair brand Wen. The brand is big in the “no-poo” non-shampooing world, but clearly, its products weren’t doing what they were supposed to.

Photo by Facebook // WEN haircare

The hair company denies any claims that their products cause harm, but they’re being sued by over 200 women. Patch test people!

All About the Allergens

Here’s another woman who really experienced the notion that “beauty is pain.” This lady bought a box of cheap hair dye online, and the instructions weren’t available in English. Despite not knowing exactly how to use the product, this woman slathered it onto her scalp.

Photo by Mamamia

As we’ve seen with other allergic reactions to dye, she ended up with a blistering scalp, raw skin, and bald patches. After checking what was in the dye, this woman was horrified to hear she had slapped multiple non-approved allergens onto her head.

Sweet Smelling Eyeshadow Palettes

Cosmetics company Two Faced makes a popular eyeshadow palette that looks and smells like chocolate. It’s called “The Chocolate Bar,” and it features chocolate-y shades of eyeshadow set into a bar-shaped tray. For that reason, we can understand why this mischievous little one has mistaken it for the real thing and really gone to town.

Photo by Twitter // @Jprz1321

Of course, for the owner of this palette, the situation is a little more painful. That’s $40 of eyeshadow that’s now full of tiny little fingerprints.

Extra Sticky Lips

To be honest, the fact that many women have eyelash or nail glue on their person at any given time must lead to lots of painful beauty mishaps. We’ve seen just what can go wrong with a tiny tube of glue, so perhaps we need a better way of packaging sticky products.

Photo by Instagram // @beckystevie

Should they all come in neon-colored tubes or something? The person who took this snap confused their protecting lip crème with a tube of lash adhesive. That couldn’t have tasted good.

Terrible Tattoo Removal Kits

Remember that gory picture of a henna tattoo gone wrong? Well, this one is much worse. As you can see, someone had a terrible reaction with a home tattoo removal kit, leaving them with scabbing, bubbling flesh. Before we proceed, it’s best not to order one of these kits online as they’re still being investigated and approved.

Photo by BBC news

For now, stay away from anything that contains corrosive chemicals. This particular kit contained TCA, a corrosive ingredient that burns off skin. Now, this is pain.

Buried Under the Bubbles

And now for something a little lighter…literally. These masks are fun to put on and they do what they say they do. Considering some of the dangerous items on this list, that’s pretty successful. These carbonated bubble masks get bigger once they’re on the skin as the mask oxidizes with the air.

Photo by The Sun // SNAP VIRAL

Yes, you may look like a foam version of the abominable snowman, but at least your skin won’t fall off. Supposedly, these bubble masks help to exfoliate dead skin, unclog pores, and provide skin-improving ingredients.

Lovely Lockdown Manicures

It’s time for another lockdown manicure. Or, in this case, someone who’s in need of a lockdown manicure. This is the unpleasant sight of a grown-out manicure, where once-perfect colored gel polish used to sit neatly on a nail. Now, it’s a lumpy, chipped mess.

Photo by Twitter // @sleepyvrgo // boredpanda

Most people would have picked the polish off at this stage, so we have to commend this person for not doing that. We advise soaking the nails in a tray of acetone until the offending polish is gone.

That’s a Waist of Money

Sigh. We’ve already blamed one Kardashian-Jenner for a painful beauty trend on this list, and now we’re going to do it again. At one point, several members of the famous family hawked waist trainers just like these ones. These were essentially updated corsets, and promised to “train” the waist into being smaller. Yes, it’s as ridiculous as it sounds.

Photo by corsetdeal

Victorian corsets used to cause women’s internal organs to shift around, and caused terrible muscle pain. Waist trainers aren’t much better, and haven’t been proven to work at all.

Marvelously Messy Manicures

You know, for some reason, we feel relieved when we look at this picture. This manicure is so terribly done that there’s no point getting upset about it — it is what it is. Plus, they’re the ones that are stuck with five layers of thick nail polish on each of their fingertips. Have fun getting that off!

Photo by The Sun // SNAP VIRAL

As we’ve said already, being a nail technician is a skilled job. That means that not everyone can do it. It requires patience, precision, and a steady hand.

Cute like Curly Sue

In John Hughes’ final movie Curly Sue Alisan Porter plays the curly-haired homeless kid with a heart of gold. For a while, the character stood in for anyone with curly hair, like this woman with Sue-like ringlets.

Photo by Pinterest // @pourchiastallworth

Honestly, we’re obsessed with the expression on this woman’s face as she looks at her hair — it’s absolutely priceless. Admittedly, this isn’t the best work we’ve seen with a curling iron. We just hope it’s a temporary job and not actually permed.

Welcome to Walmart

When people bleach their own hair, they often put a plastic bag on top of it and then lightly blow-dry the area. Salons also do this, but with plastic bonnets rather than grocery bags. The thing is, when you put a bag on your head and apply heat, it can transfer the plastic logo already printed on the bag.

Photo by imgur // heywheresperry

That’s how this woman ended up with “Walmart” plastered across her hair. This actually happens quite often, and thankfully it usually just washes out.