40 Simple Painting Hacks and Tips to Help You Upgrade Your House
Movies might have many of us convinced that painting our walls is a romantic and easy endeavor, but the truth is that there’s a lot more to it than just getting a paintbrush and going to town on your walls. So, to actually make it simple and fun, here are our favorite tips and hacks for painting your home with ease.
Painting 101
When deciding to paint a room in your home, it might be tempting to just layer a drop cloth over every piece of furniture in the space and just get to it. But with a bit more prep work, your newly painted room will look a lot better.

If you can get everything out, that's ideal, but large and heavy furniture can stay - just try to move it away from the walls as much as possible. Then, cover everything left with a drop cloth. This way, you'll have an easy space to maneuver in that's free from any potential accidents.
No More Roller Fuzz
So, you prepared everything, you got all new rollers, and you're ready to get to painting, right? Wrong! New paint rollers might look great, but they also need some prepping before you use them. Otherwise, you risk all that fuzz mixing with your painting and getting all over the walls.

To fix this, just take some packing tape and use it like a lint roller. Basically, roll your new roller over the sticky side of the tape until there's no more fuzz on the roller. Trust us, with this quick hack, you'll save the time it would have taken to fix the fuzz-filled paint.
Keep it Clean
If you've ever used a paint tray while working on a space then you know the struggle of trying (and failing) to clean up all the paint that was left on the tray once you finished.

In this case, aluminum foil is your friend. Before pouring the paint in, just cover the entire top of the tray with aluminum. Then, once you're done painting, simply take off the foil and throw it (and the mess) away.
Heating Things Up
Masking tape is one of the most important tools in a painter's arsenal. However, while it's great for ensuring that paint doesn't go where you don't want it, it can leave a sticky and messy residue behind once you peel it off.

This hack, thankfully, will make sure that your furniture remains stick-free. Simply use a hair dryer or heat gun to warm the tape before you peel it. The heat will melt some of the glue, allowing the tape to become less adhesive.