40+ Parents Are Sharing the Nicknames Their Kids Gave Everyday Items and They’re Just Too Wholesome

Funny Nicknames Given by Kids

When you’re a kid, you still have a lot to learn — including how to talk! If you’ve ever taught a child to speak, though, you know it’s a marathon rather than a quick task. Plus, some words are just hard for these little guys as they just start to master the language! That’s why many parents remember when certain nicknames made their way into the family’s lexicon.

Spreading to Everyone Else

When kids coin a new word, it doesn’t often just stay with them. Their loved ones might pick it up as they communicate with the young child. It seems like this kid had a few that his mom picked up over the years.

Spreading to Everyone Else

Is someone really hurt? It’s time to call the boo-boo trucks. What do you use when you want something to serve as a barrier between your mattress and your blankets? You’ll need some bed skins for that.

Sounds Formal

There are some nicknames that your kids come up with that sound rather silly. On the other hand, some sound rather serious when they say them.

Sounds Formal

Hearing a child call today “this day” might give you a bit of a jump as such formal phrasing from a child. However, we have to wonder if, in a child’s voice, it might sound similar to trying to hit the word count on an English paper. Either way, he’s delighting his parents with the phrasing.

Particularly Poetic

Poets often bend over backward to come up with unique and poignant phrasing. How can you really make something every day sound so magical? It seems like this kid has cracked the code.

Particularly Poetic

When she was trying to describe a dream one day, she substituted “dream” for this poetic turn of phrase. With prose like this off the top of her head, maybe creative writing is up her alley!

This One Makes Sense

Trampolines are almost every kids’ dream, even if they do make parents a little wary of a fall. Of course, it’s another thing that’s open to a variety of nicknames. It didn’t take long for this family to nickname trampolines “jumpolines.”

This One Makes Sense

The source of the name is pretty obvious. It’s funny to see that it spread throughout the family — to the point that all of the kids decided this name was just better suited than “trampoline.”