We Will Never Forget These Hilarious Memes That Came Out of the Olympics

Twitter // @fleurs_partout

With the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris being just around the corner, we need to start getting ourselves prepared. What better way to do that than looking back on the best memes to ever come out of the Olympics? Let’s aim high and get ourselves the gold medal in laughing. Whether it’s athletes’ funniest faces or audience reactions, we’re Olympic-ready with these hilarious memes.

The Diving Face

We’ve all had our fair share of horrific candid photos. Yup, even the best of us. You know those ones where someone catches you off guard, and you just look awful. But don’t worry, we’re not alone with this. Athletes go through the exact same thing, too!

Twitter // @realrilwanbello

These diving shots are hilarious, right? These Olympic divers definitely have better things to focus on than what their faces look like, so we can’t blame them. They’re fighting against gravity, earning these gold medals, so no wonder their faces end up like this.

Olympic Ready

Listen, any variation of the Olympic Games is awesome, but there’s something so special about the Winter Olympics. We just want to get a little dressed up and feel like we’re one of the ice skaters, okay? There’s nothing wrong with that!

Twitter // @GoldenObsession

Concert-goers dress up on brand for their favorite artists, so we can do the same at the Winter Olympics! This is certainly an outfit that we’d love to steal. Give us all the earmuffs and fluffy boots you’ve got!

But Can He?

Even if you aren’t a huge fan of the Olympics, you’ll have seen this meme floating around the internet before. Unfortunately for our Canadian Mr. Funk, his introduction went viral, and people had just one question — can Richard Funk?

Reddit // u/soiledshorts79

This was a pretty unfortunate situation, but we hope that Richard took it with a pinch of salt. If anything, now he’s gotta live up to his virality and prove that he really can funk. We already know that he can swim, but he’s got a new skill to prove to us.

Throw a Smile

In the 2016 Rio Olympics, Usain Bolt, to no one’s surprise, took the track by storm. In our opinion, if there’s anything to boast about, it’s gotta be that you’re the fastest man on Earth. We’d be looking just as smug!

Twitter // @jessewashington

Poor Justin Gatlin gave it his best shot, but there’s just no beating Usain Bolt! Luckily for the runners-up, Usain retired in 2017, so some other budding gold medalists could be in with a chance. Who’s going to be the next big grinner?