40+ Pointlessly-Gendered Bathroom Signs
Blah Blah Blah
One of the most pervasive stereotypes is the outdated belief that women talk too much or overly communicate.
Apparently, this artist thinks that women are the only ones who have something to say.
It seems that this artist has never met a chatty man or quiet woman. Not only is this sign offensive and contributes to stereotypes, but it’s also confusing — if their goal was to create a male or female bathroom, why not just label it correctly?
Try Using a Different Dictionary
It can sometimes be useful to consult with a dictionary when there’s a term that you don’t understand.
Unfortunately, whoever created these signs needs to either consult with a new dictionary or stop making up strange definitions.
According to this person, girls are a giggle with some sass while boys are noise with dirt. We’re not sure why people are being compared to inanimate things like giggles or noise, but that’s the least ridiculous thing about these signs.
No Tall Girls Allowed
While many gendered signs are just offensive, this sign actually physically limits and discriminates against taller women.
We can’t think of a reason why the door to the woman’s bathroom is about a foot shorter than the entrance to the men’s bathroom.
Not all women are short, women (like men) come in a variety of heights and body sizes. It’s ridiculous and even dangerous to create a smaller entrance for women.
Mirrors Aren’t for Men
This Reddit user shared another example of a bathroom lacking a physical component due to some ridiculous assumption associated with gender.
The designer of this bathroom felt that mirrors are strictly for women and that men have no need for a mirror.
We’re assuming that this designer is walking around all day with something stuck in his teeth because he refuses to look at a mirror or anything that might threaten his masculinity.
It’s an unfortunate truth that many people continue to believe in some pretty outdated notions about certain genders.
While many people keep these beliefs to themselves, these establishments have no problem making their opinions known.
From making assumptions about genders to perpetuating offensive stereotypes, these pointlessly-gendered bathroom signs will leave you shocked.
Check out the incredibly awful signs users have found on bathroom doors!