The Most Beautiful Wives and Girlfriends of Football Players
By Bruce Wayne - May 12, 2024
It's a famous saying that behind every successful man is a woman, and that's certainly the case in the world of football! The term 'WAG' was coined by the UK tabloid press during coverage of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, as the glamorous wives and girlfriends of the England squad would flock to support their beaus at big games. Keep reading to find out more about the ladies behind your favorite soccer stars!

Victoria Beckham
We're kicking off the list with one of the most iconic partnerships in the world of football. David Beckham is the England international who famously played for Manchester United and LA Galaxy.

But his wife, Victoria, is equally as famous for being a member of the groundbreaking pop band, Spice Girls. Sparks flew when the pair met in 1997, and they married two years later. Known in the media as Posh and Becks, these two have created an empire!