Moms Share 45 Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide Everyone Should Know

Hydrogen peroxide has been around for hundreds of years, and in that time humans have come up with all sorts of things to do with it. So get yourself a fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and see what needs to be done.

Keep Your Breath Fresh

When using hydrogen peroxide on or in your body, make sure you're using a food-grade product. Once you're certain you have something safe, swirl a mouthful of hydrogen peroxide around your mouth to kill bad breath. Simply mix some of the liquid with water, swish around your mouth, and spit.

Keep Your Breath Fresh

Disinfect Counters and Surfaces

Because of hydrogen peroxide's bacteria killing functions, the liquid can be used as a cleanser for just about anything. To make your own surface cleaning spray, just take some of the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and put it in a spray bottle. That's it! There's no need to dilute it or anything.

Disinfect Counters and Surfaces

To use, just spray your solution onto a surface, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it clean. Say goodbye to sticky surfaces and crumb covered countertops.

Clean Your Washing Machine

It might sound strange to clean a washing machine - after all, doesn't it wash things? But, your washer also needs a spring clean every now and then. Washing machines can easily get clogged up with loose hairs, pieces of lint, and random objects left in pockets.

Clean Your Washing Machine

To freshen up your washing machine, reach for your bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Add the liquid to the detergent section of the washer, and then put the machine on a hot wash cycle.

Disguise Your Roots

As well as containing excellent cleaning power, hydrogen peroxide can also be used to lighten hair. Now, we're not saying that you can just dye your entire head of hair with this stuff, but you can certainly touch up your roots.

Disguise Your Roots

Used as a hair dye, hydrogen peroxide is oxidative, which means that it dyes the hair through a chemical reaction. This type of dying is more permanent, but it's also rather stressful on the hair.