40+ Pets Who Made Their Owners Laugh

Whether it’s a fluffy four-legged pooch, a slinky feline, or something a little more exotic, goofy animals are a joy to witness. There’s no wonder the internet is covered in pictures of pets — personally, we just can’t get enough.

Slowly Sliding Off

Sometimes, pets get themselves into impossible-looking positions and just decide to stay there. This pup started off on the couch and then walked themselves off, leaving two legs sticking out behind, and two legs solidly on the ground. After waiting there for a couple of moments, this flexible pooch slowly slid off the couch.

Slowly Sliding Off

Knock Knock, I’m Here

Dogs are creatures of habit. They wake up at the same time every morning, they eat their meals at the same times each day, and they go for walks each evening. Structure and routine make dogs feel satisfied and comfortable, and it will soon seem like they've got their schedule memorized to a tee.

Knock Knock, I’m Here

And often, that's because they do. This adorable dog must have spent several years going in and out of a door. Much to his surprise, after home renovations, the door is gone.

He’s Seeing Red

It's always fun to present a dog with a new toy. Being enthusiastic creatures, dogs tend to get excited over most things. Because of this, it's pretty uplifting to see how they'll react to new textures, noises, and shapes. When this dog was given a plushie dinosaur toy, he snatched it up immediately.

He’s Seeing Red

As you can see from this ridiculous image, when the dog grabbed the toy by the stomach, the dinosaur's red feet covered his eyes. Typical dog.

I Can’t Even Look at You

So far we've looked exclusively at dogs, but let's not forget about their four-legged counterparts - cats. While some people wrongly think that cats are offish, boring, or cruel, they're actually hilarious, affectionate, and full of personality.

I Can’t Even Look at You

Just take this dramatic feline as an example. When this kitty's owner shooed him off their lap, he rested his furry face on the nearest pillow instead. While it looks like this cat is throwing a fit, we know he's just keen to get back to sleep.