20+ Funny & So-Called "Immature" Habits That People Held Onto Well Into Adulthood

When you get older, you leave a lot of habits behind in your childhood. However, growing up doesn't have to mean you leave everything fun behind, does it? These people all took to Reddit to share some of their funny habits that others might label "immature" but they bring them joy. They're more relatable than you might think!

Not Just for Kids

There are some things that are classically thought of as kids' toys. For example, when a child is celebrating a birthday or a holiday is around the corner, you might head to the stuffed animal aisle of the store.

Not Just for Kids

That doesn't mean that stuffed animals are just for kids. In fact, we're completely sure that Squishmallows have plenty of adult fans around the world! Honestly, the big ones seem comfy to lay on as well as heartwarming to have around.

Childish Humor

There are some things that just crack you up when you're a kid. Honestly, few crowds get as excited about "potty humor" as little kids.

Childish Humor

Again, just because kids often find it funny doesn't mean that adults can't! This person admitted that they still find farts funny and they aren't the only ones to share the sentiment! What can we say? There's a reason they always made us laugh.

Tastes Better That Way

When you eat, how do you do it? It might depend on the food. Are you someone who eats popcorn one piece at a time or by the handful? This person wasn't about to let go of the chance to act a little "immature" while enjoying popcorn.

Tastes Better That Way

Why eat popcorn the boring way when you can add a little fun and maybe a bit of playing pretend by eating each piece of popcorn by sticking out your tongue like a lizard?

Watch Out!

If you're headed out for a little fast food or even to a nicer restaurant, they'll probably give you a straw that's in a paper sleeve or at least has a paper piece over the mouth.

Watch Out!

As for this person, they can't forget the joy of learning how to blow a bit of paper at other people. As a matter of fact, it's so fun that they've made it a habit to get their friends and family involved in the fun!