30+ Dad Jokes That Are So Bad, They’re Great
Whether they make you laugh uncontrollably or cringe horribly, you all know that you secretly love when your silly dad cracks a terrible joke at the dinner table. So, here’s our round-up of some of the worst — or, in this case, best — dad jokes from Twitter. Now, excuse us as we go tell our dad some of these.
Shady Business
Would you say that in the case of this dad joke, the guy really put his foot in it? Because we totally would! That way, you get two silly jokes for the price of one! There’s absolutely nothing shady about that deal, is there? After all, why would you settle for just one face-palm when you can be twice as exasperated by us? Sadly, it’s not super inspired, as it’s missing one crucial thing — our lightbulb moment!